Relationship Coaching


for Strengthening Your Relationship Mindset

Improve Communication

Break Unhealthy Patterns

Understand Each Other Better

Learn the Delicate Balance of Standing Up for Yourself
and Being Present for the Partnership at the Same Time



Do you have a relationship (perhaps more than one) that is not working optimally?


- if you find yourself getting reactive or triggered
- if you don't advocate for yourself as much as you ought to
- if you edit your words for fear of being rejected or judged
- if you don't feel confident while interacting with specific people
- if you feel like you don't get the respect you deserve
- if you feel like you're getting rejected or shut out
- if you "lose yourself" in romantic relationships
- if you judge yourself more harshly than you judge others
- if communicating with others is a frustrating experience
- if you and your partner keep having the same old argument

Relationship Coaching can help!  
(Rates provided during Intro Session)



Some of the benefits of relationship coaching are:

  • Communicating better: using words that bring closeness, not distance
  • Communicating stronger: being clear, calm, and direct as you express yourself
  • Connection: deepening, strengthening, and improving the emotional bond with the people you care about
  • Conflict resolution: learning how to get through disagreements without damaging the relationship
  • Figuring out harmful dynamics in the partnership and making positive adjustments.
  • Confidence and self-esteem, being your best, most secure-feeling self
  • Being able to articulate what you need in communication with others
  • Learning to manage emotional triggers when they get activated
  • Talking openly about sex and intimacy in romantic relationships
  • Preparing yourself to start a new stage of the relationship
  • Finding balance  between work, life, family, and me-time
  • Unraveling old narratives from your thinking process 
  • Rebuilding trust that has been damaged
  • Coping with break-ups or separations
  • Understanding your partner better
  • Setting and respecting boundaries
  • Sharpening your listening skills
  • Changing negative habits


If you'd like to get support with any of the topics above, consider scheduling a free consultation to learn more about how I can help you get back on track with your relationship goals.

 Free Consultation


Relationship Coaching applies to individuals, not just couples. Working on relationship issues on your own can be very productive. It doesn't matter whether you're currently in a relationship or operating solo - the way we show up in relationships starts with the way we show up with ourselves. We humans are wired for connection so the topic of love and relationships is always relevant, no matter where you are in your life or what your relationship status is.




Some typical outcomes of Individual Relationship Coaching are:

- Learning to handle stressful, anxiety-provoking situations differently (better)
- Being able to shift perspective on situations that once looked depressing or hopeless
- Increasing self-esteem and reducing negative self-talk
- Breaking through internal mental blocks and limiting beliefs
- Learning new communication strategies for complex relationships or family dynamics
- Being a proper advocate for yourself; expressing your wants and needs openly and honestly
- Changing old, outdated habits to healthy new ones that support you and your goals
- Processing present-day thoughts and feelings about past life events that were stressful
- Becoming better able to identify your emotions in the moment that they are occurring
- Regaining a solid sense of Self (after losing yourself in a relationship)
- Sharpening your decision-making and boundary-setting skills
- Discovering more about who you are, what you want, and what your core values are
- Making the space for talking openly about sex, sexual identity, or gender identity
- Becoming a more confident and self-empowered version of yourself
- Reinventing yourself: letting go of the old and becoming a "new you" 
- Inviting more mindfulness and presence into everyday life
- Making self-care a priority, and putting it into practice

If you'd like to get support with any of the topics above, consider scheduling a free consultation to learn more about how I can help you get back on track with your life and relationship goals. 

Free Consultation


Two of the worst feelings we humans can have are

"I am not enough," meaning I am not good enough, or there is something wrong with me


"I am not loved," or loveable, or deserving of kindness, or worthy of being respected...

If you ever have these kinds of feelings, Relationship Coaching can help!



The notion of getting triggered means having a reaction to a person or a situation that activates something inside of you, usually something negative.

Being emotionally triggered can show up in a number of different ways: feeling hurt, feeling offended, feeling scared, getting nervous or anxious, getting frustrated, feeling belittled, feeling disrespected, feeling trapped, feeling overwhelmed, becoming cold or distant, becoming super-critical, becoming aggressive or hostile, ignoring people, shutting down, your mind going blank, walking out on the other person.

The Trigger Loop (also known as: "The more, the more...")



"The more you do this, the more I act like that..." creates a negative downward spiral, which leads to more friction and distance. That's the bad news.

The good news is - this cycle applies to the other direction, too - where you end up with more ease, safety, and connection. "The less you do this (negative thing), the less I act like that (negative way)..." creates a positive upward spiral. This is a key area of focus in Relationship Coaching, particularly for partners.




How many sessions come in a package?
Four sessions

How long is each session?
For individuals, 45 minutes. For partners, 50 minutes.

How often do we meet?
The frequency of our meetings depends on your situation. Either once a week, or every other week. If needed, we can meet twice a week. And for that once-in-a-while tune-up, we can meet once a month.

How long will it take to get results?
Much of that depends on what you're coming in with, and what your goals are. Your level of engagement determines how quickly you make progress. When you apply the insights gained and the goals set from our sessions, you can start seeing positive results right away. 

Is there an agenda that we follow? 
There is definitely an agenda for the way we work, but it's not about plugging you (or your relationship) into a formula. Think of this as an in-depth conversation; not a workshop where you're "in listen-only mode." Our work relies on your participation.

We use the various conflicts and concerns that come up in your relationship as an inroad to identifying the patterns and emotional dynamics that are keeping you stuck. We get to the truth of underlying emotions to better understand you and your partner (or, your family members, co-workers, boss, friends, and so on). The goal is to "course-correct" in the areas of communication, confidence, and connection.

How do I pay for sessions?
Payment is made in advance of the sessions, which you can easily do by logging in to the Coaches Console portal. You'll need to log in with your username and password. If you need the link re-sent to you, all you have to do is ask. Just say: I need the payment link.

Do I pay for one package as I go, or is there a set-it-and-forget-it feature, in case I want to keep going with more sessions? 
Both are available. You can register for one package at a time, as needed. Or, set up auto-pay that automatically renews each month until you pause or cancel. Email me to ask for the recurring payment link.




This is a simple 3-question form used to organize your thoughts before our upcoming session. Filling out this form helps us make the best use of our session time by being able to jump right in to the topics that are important to you. (Requires login.)






A one-time form to fill out prior to our first session that covers your preferences, contact info details, and a summary of what's on your mind.
(Requires login.)

Click the teal green square to access the form.



For people who are ready to get started with Relationship Coaching (and for anyone who's curious about a list of topics), check out the Areas of Focus form to identify the subject areas that are important to you. (Requires login.)



For people who are in a relationship. This form helps to bring forward the issues and goals that you have for your partnership. It gives you a chance to share your views and perspectives right out of the gate. (Requires login.)



This is a simple 3-question form used to organize your thoughts before our upcoming session. Filling out this form helps us make the best use of our session time by being able to jump right in to the topics that are important to you. (Requires login.)





Ask about Group Coaching

Group Coaching for when teams, cohorts, or housemates need to communicate productively to resolve differences and get on the same page. A chance for each member's voice to be heard. The focus is on exploring solutions in a calm and practical manner so that the group can continue to function in a productive, harmonious way. (Pricing varies for larger groups.)



Relationships are Relationships...

Connection with Others is a Human Experience


Supportive, affirming coaching for anyone living outside the traditional, heteronormative box.

For LGBTQ+ individuals and couples, for non-binary folks, for those who identify as polyamorous or are in non-traditional relationships of any kind...

Could you use a safe space to process your feelings and assess your goals?

Are you wanting to focus on relationship issues or the goals you have for yourself without having to explain all the ways that you are different..., without having to worry about someone's limited-minded agenda, judgment, or lack of understanding?  It helps to talk with someone who understands how outside factors like closed-mindedness, intolerance, or homophobia play a role in your life without you having to educate. It’s nice to have a coach who understands.

No judgments. No biases. Just a strong support system offering wisdom, guidance, and personal empowerment.

I am committed to helping clients of all genders, sexual identities, and relationship expressions feel not only safe and supported, but truly respected. Relationships are relationships, and love is love.